Friday, October 27, 2023

Personal Update : Whaaaaa?

The seasons are changing again and I'm still not at 100%. I haven't been at 100% in a long time. I also haven't had enough time to try and figure out a way to let you all know that I am ok.

But I have been regrouping and trying to decide what the next step for me is going to be. Right now I think I have an idea, and I am going to work on fleshing it out a bit more before I present it to you all.

Let's just say, it's time to stop planning and actually make a start. The only thing is for now it looks like that isn't going to be happening until we get to July. In July I am going to be making what is a big move for me. It also means that I will be able to have the space to work on things without feeling as cramped as I have been for a long time now.

The only problem with all of that is that people are angry with me right now, and that's making my anxiety and depression act up a lot. To the point where I am both physically and mentally exhausted. It's not pleasant. It's taking a huge toll on me. In fact sometimes I don't know if I can handle much more of it.

But I still need to regroup mentally.

So once I get things sorted out a little better I will be able to present some of the things I have been working on to you. I'll also be able to paint again, as well as work on some other things without having to reorganize everything around me to do so.

Music Mondays are going to be discontinued, as far as the format we had before. Instead I'll be putting together playlists over on spotify. I've found that it's far easier to listen to everything as a cohesive playlist this way. If I have the time I may try to take some of the old Music Mondays and create playlists of them, either by year or by month. Not sure yet, depends on how many posts happened that are applicable.

I am going to be trying to read more again. But that's going to have to wait a little bit because I  don't have the time to read until spring. I have books I want to read, but so far, I have no time.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

What's on Screen : The Munsters

 It's been a while. I know that there's no excuse for it. But life hasn't really been easy lately. There's been a lot going on that's been stressful.

But you don't want to hear about any of that. More importantly I don't want to write about it currently.

Instead I want to give a note about something I watched recently.

So I finally got to watch the most recent incanation of The Munsters. I was hopeful about watching it, and honestly looked forward to it. The Munsters is actually one of the few shows I hunted down all of on DVD (I am still missing season one of the Addams Family B&W show).

But I must admit that I was dissapointed. The movie lacked substance, and didn;'t have any real resolution.

***Possible Spoilers if you haven't watched **

The movie seemed to go about how Lily and Herman met. But the whole movie seemed to lack the heart of the original show. The sets were goirgeous, the costumes were fun, and the makeup was amazing. There were even script throwbacks to important statements from the original show.

But it dissapointed me. I don't know if it's because I haven't had a reason to watch any new movies in a long time. Or if it is because I honestly expected more.

I'm crying as I write this. I don't know why. 

All I know is that I expected something more... The whole movie could have been reduced to a half hour and not lost anything.

I'm sorry, but as much as I wanted to enjoy it. I didn't. 

Would I watch it again?

Maybe. But not alone.

Would I buyy it on DVD?

Only to add it to the collection if it was cheap enough. Which isn't a good reason.

So while I enjoyed the original show, this movie didn't bring me any joy.