Friday, September 8, 2017

What's on Screen? : Lucifer

We all spend time watching different shows and films once in a while. Recently I had a few days where I actually had a chance to spend some time doing nothing or watching tv. I did watch a few different things, and maybe I'll share them with you. Today I'm going to admit to a little bit of binge watching.

Lucifer, is a rather interesting show playing with the ideas of divinity and religion in a variety of forms. Angels, demons, gods, goddesses and all that. It sort of combines CSI and Supernatural, only not so many monsters. There's a huge amount of comic relief, and a lot of interesting plot lines.

I've binged through season one and have begun watching season 2. There's a sort of satisfaction in seeing the varied interactions. Life is full of complicated  situations, and these are often emulated by film and entertainment. It's fun to see a variety

I've really enjoyed what I've seen so far. I don't regret choosing this as a binge watch.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Personal Update : To Be Human

Sometimes there's a life event that makes it difficult to do the things you've been used to.  I do promise that things are going to get back to normal. Right now things aren't perfect. But I'm going to tell you a little bit about what's been going on, in a very sanitized manner.

I'm moving. The reason why isn't really ideal, but it's not something you're going to want to hear. But I do have an apartment as of wednesday. (Oh right that's today ^_^) And it's going to get interesting. Once everything gets straightened out I do think we're going to be ok. (We being me and the blog)

I have been working on the last two craft swaps I'm able to sign up for diligently. I am a little saddened that I won't be able to join any others for a while. Until I get settled in and once everything else is straightened out. I have been working for the past few months to complete my #siriusdisneycraftswap and #cryptocreatureswap packages. They get sent out this month (one sooner than another but that's neither hear nor there.)I did finish the #gdtcraftswap and I was very pleased with how my La Muerte doll came out.

I was also pleased with my #drseussswap2017 package that I sent out. I tried a lot of new things in that particular swap. I was also very happy about learning them, because it's beneficial to know a variety of skills when you dabble in different craft styles. I have to admit though, that I'm still apprehensive at times about the packages that I send out for swaps.

I am going to be planning a giveaway for January. I figure by then everyone will be tired of all the holiday stuff, and want something fun to break up the post holiday blues. Right now though there's no set date or plan. But January is the best bet I have for the time being., and I'm working on a few ideas. Right now the plan is to create a care package of things people born in the 80's and growing up in the 90's would remember fondly.

I'm also meeting some new artists, and looking into some new things that I'm hoping to be able to share with you in the not too distant future. 

So thank you for being here with us, and remember to stay magical.