Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Organization is Key

Organization is a very important thing. It's what helps us to keep things in order so that we know where things are. Well, am sure you know that moving can be frustrating, and sometimes there's not enough room to take much in one time. So, with that in mind I want tot tell you about part of what I did this past Saturday. And when I say I did something, it was a very long tedious task. But am very proud to admit that I did it. I started sorting out my movies.

When I moved out to California, I uncased my dvd's and movies and loaded them into ziploc baggies and onto spindles to be shipped west. Which means that now they've been sitting here in a cardboard box uncased and just waiting for me to start organizing them. So Saturday I spent about 9 hours just writing down the titles of all the movies that I have. I didn't realize that I had as many as I do. Not that I'm complaining. I know that there are a lot of movies that I would still like to get.

ANYWAY! After it all was said and done, I've found that I have somewhere around 375 DVD's. Which really isn't that any I suppose. Though, when it comes to figuring out a reliable and easy storage solution is a bit frustrating. So I've decided that I want to get a large disc case to store them in. Now I've seen some that store about 500 discs, But I've decided that I want to order the one that holds 1000, because there are a lot of DVD's and movies that I've been getting that have multiple discs in the set. PLUS I already know that there are a number of movies that I'm still interested in acquiring. So by having that much space, I more or less guarantee myself enough room to expand.

Of course, it also means that I can plan on figuring out where to store the case.  But definitely, I have a lot more movies than I realized that I did. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. The one thing that is a bit annoying though is because they're not in their cases I don't have the description of what the movies are about. Plus I've found out that there are a small number of movies that I have duplicates of because they came in sets.

But yeah, That's what I did on Saturday. I worked on getting my movie collection organized so that I will be able to have it straightened out. So you should be proud of me. It's very tedious to flip discs and write down their titles when there's so many of them. But it was kind of nice to get it done so that I can start planning what to do once the movie case get's here.

There is MOST DEFINITELY going to be a DISNEY section. As well as a horror section XD.

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