Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Lindars' Stories Revisited : After The Dragons

They always ask "What happened after that...?" not realizing the implication of the statement. Every action has a consequence and each one is the continuation of a story. Each story is part of the worlds seemingly endless rotation of seasons and events. And what season is it? Surely the answer to that question is easy to decide. But even that depends on our perspective.

Currently, my perspective is a bit skewed. I'm hidden away from the light of day scribbling these words and thoughts by dim candlelight. Truly it is not the top choice on my list, but it is what it is.

So why am i even bothering to write? Is there a point? Is there really a reason for me to write these thoughts while hiding away? Yes, there is. I want to let you know what happened after the dragons.

Are they really gone? Will there ever really be a time without dragons? I hope not. Because it would be very hard to live knowing it ends for my kindred and I. But even so... I wonder how long we can last with the disbelief and fear that runs rampant through the world today. I pray that we never see the end of Dragons. For i can hardly imagine such a time.

Originally published on one of my livejournals 5/22/2009.

Sunday, April 28, 2024



Everyone wants me to believe things will be fine.

But they're not.

It's never enough.

It will never be enough

so why am i trying?

is there ever going to be a time when i am enough for anyone?

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Personal Update : Being A Human

 Let's be honest. Life can be a very depressing thing. Especially of late for most of the world. I haven't felt like I have had much to say. So I haven't been saying much at all. But that doesn't mean I have forgotten you. So give me  a little time and we will see what I can do to feel more like myself again.

What do you want to read about?