Sunday, July 16, 2017

The Most Beautiful Thing

Every day of our lives we interact with people that are different than us. No matter how different they are they should be granted the same respect that you look for yourself. Today is Disability Awareness Day (at least in the UK it is, so it's just as good for the rest of us to look at the day too!) So I wanted to share this video with you, because it spoke very loudly to me.

I also wanted to share an old article I read that made me smile, feel a little sad, but smile because of how bold and honest the writer was. I think it's impressive that he was willing to stand up for what was right, even though the person who it was directed to might not react positivly. You may also want to read this other letter because it's honest as well.

All in all, I'm not looking to make a huge statement. All I want is to help you open your mind to look outside your comfort zone.

We're all different, some of us just have differences that have to be looked at with different eyes.

Love each other.

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