Saturday, June 16, 2018

Personal Update

Yeah I know that it may seem like I've been slacking. But to be honest I have had a lot on my mind, and I don't even know if it's anything you would want to hear about.

Life is a complicated thing after all, and not everyone has the same concerns. But my main concerns currently are health concerns. I don't know what's wrong, I don't have any answers. I've been going in to try and get them, but there aren't any answers available for me.

And it's scary. Not knowing what's actually going on is downright terrifying. It doesn't make things easier either. It leaves me wondering what exactly I've been doing with my life, and what exactly I have left to do.

I'm not sure right now.

But that's ok, right? You won't judge me for being uncertain.

But I really wish I had some answers.

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