Monday, March 26, 2018

Music Monday : J

It has been a rather eventful weekend for us here. There were some mishaps that resulted in someone I love a lot getting hurt, but there was nothing that I could have done to prevent it. One of my cousins tied the knot with her mate (and they look so happy together). My mom did a bunch of hospital visits, out of state. Which we all know is probably going to be a problem with the insurance come the bill arrivals.

I still haven't heard back yet about the convention table. Which... is what it is. If I don't have one we'll just figure something else out. Right now we're looking into options and getting a little more creative. Because if we're scared forever nothing will ever happen.

So this week's word is jecoral. I chose it because of the little bit of good news that we did get, and that was for my brother concerning his liver troubles. He was told after they checked him over that, what he has going for him is that he's old. He may be fine, or he could die. But they're just going to keep watching him. Meaning, he's not in as much danger just yet I guess.

jecoral :  of, like or pertaining to the liver

And with that, let's get to this weeks music. Remember we're still working our way through the alphabet challenge. CHoosing bands whose names start with certain letters. And it's getting harder. Maybe we'll do another challenge later on where we choose the songs the same way. I don't know though. We'll see.

Stay Magical!
Jason Mraz - Wordplay

Jim Carroll Band - People Who Died

Jessica Simpson - Where You Are

Jonathan Coulton - Drinking With You

Jude Cole - Stranger To Myself

Friday, March 23, 2018

Off the Shelf: Dicey's Song

This one is an award-winning classic I originally remembered from my school days, but was actually excited to see again.

Dicey's Song
Cynthia Voigt
211 pages

Originally published in 1982 (before I was born), this cover I've shown is the copy I have, printed in 1987.  The most recent publication is from 2012, and is available on amazon in hardcover, paperback, and kindle, though it puts the pages at 256 versus the 211 of my copy.

This book is easy to read, but the subject matter can be a difficult.  Four children are adjusting to life under the new guardianship of their grandmother after their extremely ill mother ends up in a psychiatric hospital.  The book mainly centers around the new family dynamic and adjusting to life while dealing with the differences between what most would consider "normal" family and their own, as well as the struggle of dealing with their mother's health issues.  While mental illness is addressed more freely now days, it still carries a heavy stigma, and at the time of this book's original publishing, that stigma was even more heavily felt.

The book center's mainly on Dicey, settling in to her new life, dealing with her family, her school, and growing up a bit in this alternative family dynamic.  The writing flows smoothly, carrying the reader through home life, school, after school jobs, but also tackling some pretty heavy subject matter, especially towards the end of the book, as the family really has to focus on what is going on with Mama.

Honestly, I loved Dicey's Song since childhood, though I think it is because I found many parts of the book relatable, which is why I still read this book today.  It's a book that sticks with you.  You'll most likely find this book in the Young Adult's section, and I think that is where it belongs.  While some advanced readers or those with an interest in more serious, real-life-like subject matter will like it at a younger age, as I did, I honestly think those in the mid-teens and up will get the most of of this book.  When most people thing "young adult, teen book," they think happy endings, romance, or Twilight, and this is none of these things. I won't spoil the ending, but while things start to come together, this is not a book for those looking for a rosey happy ever after ending.

So, my conclusion?  This book, while featured on a female protagonist, is good for any gender to read, but this is not light, feel-good material, but thoughtful.  I think those with a more serious mein will get more out of the book, but that young adults to adults are the best to pick up and read this aware-winning classic.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Music Monday : I

Today we continue the alphabet challenge, and it is admittedly getting a little more difficult. Since I'm only choosing from artists that are in my personal library, meaning there is a song of theirs in my collection (some being from albums containing various artists). But vowels are a little complicated it seems. And I'm finding that some letters are turning out to be more difficult than others (I'm trying to work ahead and what not but I'm finding it is getting harder towards certain sections of the alphabet).

The word of the week is one that may amuse some of you, as well as be useful for describing pets or various story characters.

inquiline :: living with another; dwelling in another creature's lair

Let me know if you find a way to use the word during the week. I hope you enjoy todays musical selections and keep it magical.

Imelda May - Big Bad Handsome Man

Iron Maiden - Fear of The Dark

Incubus - Turning Japanese

Indigo Girls - Ghost

Iced Earth - The Last Laugh

Monday, March 12, 2018

Music Monday : H

Winter just seems to be stubbornly hanging around, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't start looking forward to spring. In fact, Easter and Saint Patricks Day are well on their way, so there's plenty of celebrations to think about. If nothing else that should help to perk some of us up.

Remember, after Easter there's always clearanced candy. ^_~

The word of the week is:

heliophobia fear of sunlight

I'm sure that this weeks word will be much easier to use at some point during the week. In any case have a wonderful week and we look forward to seeing you around soon. Stay Magical!

Hedley - Trip

Huey Lewis & The News - Back In Time

Hit The Lights - 100 Times

Heather Nova - Paper Cup

Hoku - I'm Scared

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

What's on Screen? : Archie's Final Project

Please be aware that there is a very specific reason that I am going to be discussing this film today. I must warn you that the films content may not be suitable for all audiences. Basically it should come with a trigger warning. I'll also be posting some spoilers about the movie, but this is more a discussion of why we watched it and what I came away with from the film. I also think that it is a film some adults with teenagers may want to watch.

Archie's Final Project
also titled "My Suicide"
1 hour 47 minutes

This film came out originally in 2011, which means it predates the netflix series "13 Reasons Why". But the film packs similar content into a much shorter span of time. Yet unlike the series, the film packs a much more realistic and raw punch. It wants you to talk about what's going on in the film.

As someone who has gotten to see more suicides in her feed than she'd like, the film spoke loudly to me. This isn't to say that what it had to say was bad, but the content was full of triggers. But it was designed that way to get people to think about the content, and to talk about it. You have a variety of stages shown, the aftermath of someone having committed suicide a year in the past. The way people react to someone that has vocalized interest in committing suicide. The surprise and shock when someone unsuspected goes through with the act of suicide. And the sadness and fear that goes through people when someone attempts to commit suicide.

A particular scene actually caused me to feel pain, and audibly let out an exclamation. There's a scene where you see a character cutting, and seeing her press the razor blade into her skin and draw blood, just caused a deep feeling of sadness to flood over me. I've known people that have cut, and it is sad to think that people find comfort in the pain. But it is a way that they can exert control over their own body, as well as punish themselves for whatever ill they think they've done. Mind you people that cut often all have different reasons, but it still hurt me to see that people are still driven to do such things.

Anyway, all in all I think it is a film that is good for inspiring discussion. I don't recommend it for young audiences, and if you want to show it to a kid, please watch it first. Because it's not a joke. It's not a joke at all.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Music Monday : G

Last month was a very weird month, this year is just getting weirder. On the positive side, there's a chance that big change may be happening, and if there is big change... well... I may see some positive change sooner than thought. But for now... it's a matter of seeing if it is actually possible.

The word of the week is

gynaecocracy government by women; gynarchy

Maybe you will find a way to use it this week, if you do please let us know? In any case stay magical and have a great week.

Get Set Go - Break Your Heart

Gavin Degraw - Chariot

Green Day - Extraordinary Girl

Gossip - Standing in The Way

Goo Goo Dolls - Better Days