Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What's On The Screen? : Unicorn City

Okay, so I know a lot of you may not be into gaming. It's not everyone's cup of tea. But there are some of us that really do enjoy gaming in various forms. We've watched a variety of movies about gaming. But this one was new to me and I was looking for something light to watch, just to give me something to be distracted by.

Yeah... so I didn't actually know what I was getting into when I hit play on this movie. Not a bad thing in this case. It's a fun movie with some theme points and comedy scenes similar to ones seen in other gamer themed movies. (If you haven't seen The Gamers, you should because it's amazing! But this has nothing to do with the current post it's a side note.) But unlike most of them, this movie looks at the idea of trying to bring the game into the real world, rather than trying to disappear into the fantasy world. Which is presented in an interesting manner.

The costumes are nice, and believable. The acting, while sometimes a bit cheesy or over the  top, isn't really all that offensive. Some of the situations are ones that various types of gamers can understand. There's romance, rivalry, and now and then stupidity. Oh! And a taser, can't forget that! On the whole though, while not necessarily a movie that will appeal to everyone, it is lighthearted and a nice change from the big name romantic comedies or the films with overly computer generated situations. Give it a shot if you get a chance, maybe it's not for you, but...maybe it is.

*Is babbling a bit, sorry. It's been a long week already*

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