Friday, January 31, 2020

Fun and Games : Playing D&D

I don't know if I have mentioned it before, but I do play Dungeons and Dragons. Why am I bringing this up now? There are a few reasons. But one of the biggest reasons is because I feel it may be of interest to some of you. Because as the game seems to be becoming more acceptable, there are still questions or reservations among some.

The group I currently play with has been playing together for almost 2 years now. We started originally as an educational group, being run as a homebrew. As time went by, we have changed to the Adventure League structure. This has both positives and negatives. One positive is the ability to play at conventions and special events with the characters we may use on a weekly basis. This makes it much easier to be familiar with a characters abilities and skills. One of the negatives is it is not as open ended as a homebrew. The rules are less flexible, but it creates a good structure for continued use of a character.

We have had the pleasure of both playing and DMing games at local events. Some at conventions, and other events for charity. It has been interesting to see how varied the community locally is when it comes to preferred character builds. There are people working through a singular characters story through different modules and hardcover arcs. The difference this offers in comparison to homebrew, is that it is calculated, but not  as imaginative.

So the group I play with has a large number of kids that play with them now on Fridays. But our Sunday game is a bit different than it used to be. But the kid games are still fun. It's good for people practicing math skills, social skills, as well as problem solving. Mentally players explore unique situations that daily life may not offer. It's less stressful after all when a situation does not offer permanent repercussions.

In any case, I really do enjoy playing the game. If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them to the best of my ability. But for now I am just letting you know that it the near future there will be more posts about some of the games. Maybe journal type looks into a game day. But for now, I'll let you go back to your Friday.

Thank you Brucie for my fancy metal dice. ^_^ Everyone says I roll too well when I am dming with them, but I still roll awful when I'm playing as a player. XD ^_^

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Just Visiting: Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park

Traveling is something that I happen to enjoy a lot. So when my job recently informed me that I had a vacation slotted into the calendar I was both surprised and uncertain. I didn't know if there was anything I would be able to do while on vacation. But my parents had yet to leave for their winter home in Florida, and they made a fair argument that I should just go to Florida with them. So what ensued is a short vacation. We drove down along the east coast of the United States, stopping on occasion at various places. But I am getting off track.

One of the places that we visited is a place we visited when I was a kid. And I was happy to get to stop in and see it again.

Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park
4150 S Suncoast Blvd 
Homosassa, FL 34446

This is a park that hasn't really changed a lot, at least as far as my memory recalls it. It has a variety of different habitat areas prepared for the various animals that call the park home. Many of them were injured, or deemed unable to be released for a variety of reasons. But the park also does rehabilitation.

One animal that you are able to see in the park, that many people may consider to be stereotypical of the state are Flamingos.  Some may not be as vibrant pink as their plastic mimics found in the neighbors front garden. But they do have a lovely blush to them (most of them) making them a treat to see. Winter leaves a number of the animals in the Buffalo area to be more grey and dreary in appearance.

But probably the most interesting animal that we saw while we were there was the hippopotamus. They were planning to celebrate his 60th birthday last Friday. I honestly feel a bit surprised that he is that old. But I suppose that a Hippo is different in appearance to a human and it would be harder for us to tell what their age is without some sort of education.

The park itself is manageable in a days span, without rushing or pushing through. It is mostly handicap accessible, with a few exceptions. There is an underwater viewing area that only has access via a stairwell. This makes it difficult for those in a wheelchair to access, but it should not influence your trip in a negative manner on the most part.A visit to this state park is great for the whole family as it is both educational as well as interesting.

All in all it was a pleasant visit. I may update this with more about the visit later on. But right now my mind is a bit fuzzy, and tired. The weather change has been doing a number on my mind.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Music Monday: It's Been A While

I know it has been a while since I have posted on a regular schedule. But I am hoping that for the time being things have been straightened out. That being said you can expect to see a variety of posts coming up throughout the year covering a variety of topics.

I decided one thing I would like to do is pull some of the book "reviews" I had posted on an old blog out, and re-share them. Most of them were posted... around 7 or 8 years ago. So, there will be a bit of variance in the tone I guess. But I think it is interesting to think about what I was reading then in comparison to what I am reading now. So those will be under the header "Bookshelf revisited".

I am also going to be writing about the unexpected vacation I took last week in the coming days, so don't be surprised to see posts about locations outside of my home area.

But today is Monday, and Mondays are for music. So without further babbling, here is the playlist for the week. I pulled the song selections from the music I have been listening to at work. So while it may seem a bit erratic, it does have a reason.

Arlo Guthrie : City of New Orleans

Anne Marie : 2002

Hootie and the Blowfish : Only Wanna Be With You

Sabrina Carpenter : Thumbs

The Cure : Just Like Heaven

Friday, January 10, 2020

Book Shelf Revisited : Are We Eating Meat?

Or something else? We all have heard rumors about places serving meats other than the kinds we're accustomed to, but what if someone was intentionally serving this and making sure you didn't know? What if that sweet meat was something, deviously acquired?

I'm guessing a lot of you have seen the movie "Sweeney Todd". So the idea about eating human flesh isn't unknown, or a rarity. But in this hard copy book, the author gives it a twist.

Ambrosial Flesh
Mary Ann Mitchell
391 pages

This book takes a rather gruesome look at a church practice that has been around for a long time, communion. And that's just when the book starts. We're let into the world of a young boy, his happiness, and fears and wonders. But when denied action that he's been trained to perform, he makes a decision that effects the rest of his life, as we find out as the book goes on.

He chooses to nibble at little pieces of his own skin. Eventually progressing to nibbling bits of other people that were consenting. The premise of the story is fairly believable, although eventually it takes a turn into the absurd that most horror does.

Not a book for those with weak stomachs, or that get queasy at the thought of blood. Aimed more towards mature audiences. I enjoyed it because it's very different from some of the books I've read in the way that we see it end. I'll just say, it is unexpected but definitely a good choice.

Originally posted January 10, 2012 at

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Guess Who's Back?

I know I haven't been posting very regularly in the... most recent past. But there is usually a rhyme and reason to all of that. One reason being it is harder to write a post using my phone than it is on my laptop. Another reason being, that in all honesty for a while there I didn't have anything positive to say.

To be truly fair, right now, as the world goes at least, there is not a lot of positive things happening. But for now I can be content knowing that for the near future, I have the opportunity and chance to pick this up again, and it was definitely something that I enjoy doing. So I look forward to writing and curating information or art for you here again.

Will it be a bit bumpy at first?

Of course.

But anything worth doing, is worth doing no matter how dull it may seem compared to expectations.

Right now though, I am lucky because I do not really have any expectations for the near future. Other than finding something to use as a creative outlet so I have something to do besides work.

In any case, thank you for sticking around.

Let me know if there is something you want my take on, or maybe you want some recommendations? Where should I pick up again?