Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Lindars' Stories Revisited : 3 Hour Lament

 3 Hour Lament

My heart lies in a place so far away
Where the sun stays up three hours more
But rises three hours late
My thoughts are cold in the morning
Yet stay awake so late at night
Much to the disappointment if my peers
But I wish that it wasn’t so
I want so badly to have my heart
To feel it beat in my own chest again
But it’s never to be
For he’s taken it from me
I’m not dead, not alive
So I go through the motions each day
Making believe that I am what I say
But knowing my heart is so far away
So I rise three hours before the sun there
So I die three hours before it goes down
But when one’s already dead, what’s death?

Originally published on one of my livejournals 10/20/2007

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