Friday, January 31, 2020

Fun and Games : Playing D&D

I don't know if I have mentioned it before, but I do play Dungeons and Dragons. Why am I bringing this up now? There are a few reasons. But one of the biggest reasons is because I feel it may be of interest to some of you. Because as the game seems to be becoming more acceptable, there are still questions or reservations among some.

The group I currently play with has been playing together for almost 2 years now. We started originally as an educational group, being run as a homebrew. As time went by, we have changed to the Adventure League structure. This has both positives and negatives. One positive is the ability to play at conventions and special events with the characters we may use on a weekly basis. This makes it much easier to be familiar with a characters abilities and skills. One of the negatives is it is not as open ended as a homebrew. The rules are less flexible, but it creates a good structure for continued use of a character.

We have had the pleasure of both playing and DMing games at local events. Some at conventions, and other events for charity. It has been interesting to see how varied the community locally is when it comes to preferred character builds. There are people working through a singular characters story through different modules and hardcover arcs. The difference this offers in comparison to homebrew, is that it is calculated, but not  as imaginative.

So the group I play with has a large number of kids that play with them now on Fridays. But our Sunday game is a bit different than it used to be. But the kid games are still fun. It's good for people practicing math skills, social skills, as well as problem solving. Mentally players explore unique situations that daily life may not offer. It's less stressful after all when a situation does not offer permanent repercussions.

In any case, I really do enjoy playing the game. If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them to the best of my ability. But for now I am just letting you know that it the near future there will be more posts about some of the games. Maybe journal type looks into a game day. But for now, I'll let you go back to your Friday.

Thank you Brucie for my fancy metal dice. ^_^ Everyone says I roll too well when I am dming with them, but I still roll awful when I'm playing as a player. XD ^_^

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