Monday, June 3, 2024

Movie Collection Monday : A Long Overdue Update

 I can't believe how long it has been since I updated the movie list to contain the new films I have added to my collection. With that in mind, I decided the few that I have gotten recently should be added so that I can get a few of them right into the movie trunk. Especially since I didn't get them in cases... But they were cheap and some of them were things I was looking for.

So I'll make a list but I am annoyed slightly at one item I got. It is a collection called Night of The Zombies. I was fairly certain I already had every film in the set. But after reviewing it against my collection there was one movie in it I didn't already have. Zombie Hell House. I didn't even have it under it's alternate title of The House by the Cemetery. So Boo Boo was correct. 

The Addams Family The Complete First Volume
Beauty and The Beast (Disney)
Freaky Friday
Looney Tunes Premiere Collection (2 Disc Set)
Looney Tunes Spotlight Collection 2 (2 disc set)
Night of The Zombies Collection
    - Last Man On Earth
    - Night of the Living Dead
    - Revolt of The Zombies
    - White Zombie
    -  Zombie Hell House (The House by The Cemetery)
The Phantom of the Opera (Musical)

Since it has been a long while since I updated the list, I will have to review the movies I have here to figure out which ones are missing from the library sheet. But once I get reorganized, maybe I will start re-watching some of them to explain what I do or do not like about them.

Is there anything in the collection that you particularly are curious about? Or something you have seen that you think I should add to my collection? Please let me know.

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