Thursday, July 25, 2013


This is an interesting web series. I don't recommend it for kids, but it's amusing.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Even a Fairy Godmother Needs a Break

I know that my writing of late has become very sporadic. Not only that, but it has also become uninformative. To put things simply, I don't feel inspired to say much. There are a lot of things that I could write, or look at. But what fun is there in making things up?

I kind of needed the break. We all need a break from what we're doing now and then, and for me this was an unplanned but useful amount of time. It's given me a chance to evaluate what we've been looking at and figure out what direction I want to go in from here.

So what has been going on behind the scenes here? To be blunt, nothing noteworthy. No, I'm not deathly ill. No, I have not managed to find a niche here yet. No, I most definitely have not forgotten the people that I love that are far away. They're just far away from me. And I am far, far, far away from them.

The funny thing is that my cousin told Squash that. Because he was using a map to learn about where we are. He thinks we're on a whole different planet. Or, in Far, Far Away like in the Shrek movies. He still wants me to go back. It's always 'come home'.

But it's hard to come home when you're not sure anymore exactly where home is. Home is a funny thing like that. Sometimes home is where everyone you know is. Sometimes it's the place where we hang our hats for a little while.  Other times it's where someone else is that makes it home to us.

I don't know where home is anymore.

Kind of sad in a way I suppose. But it's fair to say that the only way to figure out where home is is to evaluate the things that are valued. But how do you decide what really matters?

I really feel like I need a break at this point. I need something to go right. Something needs to happen that will shed some light on the directions I have to go in. But what?

I guess we'll just wait and see.

Now that I've gotten that off my chest, I will try to get things back into an almost predictable order. After all we all like something we can predict.

Order can be nice in this chaotic world.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Just Visiting : Shakespeare in Delaware Park : Measure for Measure

July 25th through August 18th you lucky folks out in Buffalo have a chance to enjoy yet another Shakespeare play. Shakespeare in Delaware Park is presenting Measure for Measure. If you missed their presentation of Hamlet, don't fret. They may not be presenting Hamlet, but this comedy is sure to amuse you.

Unlike some other versions of this play you may have seen, the company has taken the liberty of making it into a western. Yes, that's right a Shakespeare western. Not that might sound a bit odd to those of you who are hesitant to watch even the more modern Romeo and Juliet renditions, but live theater is a horse of a different color.

I do want to remind you, that seating and parking for the play is on a first come first serve basis. Take a blanket, some snacks and be ready to get comfortable. The play is free, though during intermission they do pass a hat to help with funding, so figure, if you can, about the price of a movie or so.

Measure for Measure
Shakespeare in Delaware Park
7:30 pm Tuesdays through Sundays
July 25th through August 18th

Monday, July 8, 2013

Music Monday (11)

To continue looking at steam punk, here's some more music That we hope you will enjoy. ^_^ Hope this Monday helps to start your week off right. Have a fun day!

Sir Reginald - Just Glue Some Gears On It

Ghostfire - The Last Steampunk Waltz

Jarmean? - Bad Penny

Johnny Hollow - Alibi

Hellblinki - Don't Go Out In The Woods Today

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Steampunk Shopping (1)

When it comes to shopping for your steampunk accessories, it can be difficult if you want to be unique. Ideally many steampunkers make their own accessories. But I know at times that can be difficult, and not everyone is a leather or metal worker (and that is ok. You don't have to be.) Which means shopping might be in the near future. You have a few options.

Thrift stores are a great place to find things to create a base look. While you may not be the best seamstress, or even a tailor, generally speaking, modifying something that's pre-made can be simple. Not only that there are often a number of vintage pieces to choose from, at reasonable prices. I recommend looking for pinstripes and corduroy. Also look for interesting patterns, these can be good for adding detail or just as inspiration for your look. Of course, these are just recommendations for things to look at. You may decide to go in a whole different direction.
Corduroy, Pinstripes, Ticking, Stripes, and Damask Samples

The internet is a great marketplace to find accessories to help you build your look. But try to be discerning. Not every plastic doodad with a gear glued or painted on to it is steampunk, no matter what the description says. You want to pick pieces that will be sturdy enough for wear, as well as activity. You never know who or what might happen after all. You never know when there might be a pirate invasion, or a plague of boggles.

Steampunk Pearl Ear Cuff by Etsy shop Meowchee
Accessories come in a variety of styles and purposes. Meowchee on Etsy offers some handmade pieces that are charming. They're earcuffs, which don't require your ears to be pierced(so can be worn by men or women.) Things like this add deeper detail as people get closer to you, making the look seem more than just an outer layer. You want to have some layering, as it gives you a more cohesive feel. But don't just wear things because it 'looks' steampunk. Picke pieces that you feel express you, or the character that you're developing.

Hummingbird Pendant by Desert Rubble
Of course, you can look at bracelets and necklaces. Today I'm  also going to recommend Desert Rubble, an online shop that offers a variety of sculpted pendants and accessories.  If you look through them you'll note that each one has a variety of detail, from the metallic shading, to the sculpted textures. If you have a character you've decided on, necklaces and bracelets(or Bracers or...well the list goes on) can be used to illustrate who and what you are, as well as the types of things that you're interested in.

Well, today we'll stop there, we don't want to turn this into a shopping list after all. Just want to get you thinking about the types of things that can express this style. Not sure where or how to start? Stay tuned, Friday we'll be discussing some basic ideas.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Steampunk Meal Time

Yes I know Thursdays are usually for animations and cartoons, but this video was too funny not to share. Not only that it gives us a look at a variety of different costume and accessory ideas.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Music Monday (10)

In July we're going to be looking at a style/thematic genre called Steampunk. If You don't know what that it is, by the end of the month you will hopefully have an idea of some of the general facets of this fun and quirky field. Now not every post we make is going to be on Steampunk, but this should be fun.

The Shanklin Freak Show : Carousel

The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing : Goggles
(Go about 1:57 in if you wanna cut right to the song)

 The Cog is Dead : The Death of The Cog

The Dreadnoughts : Boneyard

Abney Park : End of Days