The beat of the earth
Is the pulse of its people
Whether primitive or advanced
The same beat drives them all forward
There is nothing like the heart
The hearts blood of the earth
When it comes to existing.
And it’s those beats
Even and unmeasured
Ever changing yet always the same
They are what drives all forward.
Aurea burst onto the stage in a somersault, and wrapped a paw around the pole causing her form to swing around, getting right into the music. She blinked trying to see out into the audience, but was thankful that the lights were bright, so they prevented her from seeing them. But she could hear sounds of approval as she continued dancing, and she smiled. The announcer winked at her and she dived onto the catwalk hitting her knees and acting more like a cat than she had in years. Then mimicking some of the earlier sales she leaned back and started a string of back flips, careful of course to keep in time to the music. As she continued, she felt more at ease on the stage, and just decided to have fun. And yes, she was having fun.
In the third row Cedric, raised an eyebrow as Aurea stretched on the stage. He turned and looked at Mar, who nodded at him.
“Go ahead kid. Give it a shot; the worst that could happen is someone outbids you. But trust me… The card I gave you should be more than enough to beat anyone here.”
“Ok.” Cedric replied simply, turning back to watch intrigued at the way Aurea seemed to be so confident. Out of everyone that had been on the stage, she didn’t seem to really fit the ‘desperate for a date’ stereotype. This one didn’t belong up on the stage.
In the second row, on the other side of the room, Dillon sat mouth agape.
“My oh my D, that’s your best friend?” Jay said watching her reaction. “I didn’t know that you knew anyone that could move like that…”
“I didn’t know that she could…” Dillon replied shaking her head. “I think we’re going to have to bid to keep her out of the hands of someone who might expect the wrong thing out of her.”
“Sure we will. I think I’ll be bidding for that threesome that I had in mind. I wonder if she’d mind…” Jay braced himself and laughed as Dillon drove her fist into him. “It was only a thought.”
“Keep those thoughts to yourself and get ready to bid. The song is almost over.” Dillon replied as she shivered after Aurea did a cartwheel. The outfit that they’d gotten earlier seemed to cling to her like a second skin, and displayed clearly the fact that she knew what she was doing. Dillon hadn’t even realized that at the store, now she wasn’t sure if what she was feeling was jealousy or fear. Aurea looked good. And by the reactions around the room, everyone was taking note of that. Even Jay had.
The song came to an end and all the house lights went out, and a spotlight flickered on, focusing on the announcer as the crowd applauded uproariously. Aurea had disappeared backstage, where she took a bottle of water one of the stage hands offered her.
“You’ve done this before kid?” The woman asked, looking Aurea over.
“No. I had some good training earlier today though. Plus I paid close attention to the others while they were on stage. Why did I do horribly?” Aurea asked worried, as she took her tail in one paw and wrung it nervously.
The woman laughed and pointed back out on stage where the announcer was waiting for the crowd to quiet down before getting the first bid. “Not at all. I think you did quite the opposite. You may turn out to be the gem this year. The kid they saved for last, you heard about him sure, the one from last year, he didn’t meet expectations. But you my dear have surely exceeded them.”
“Ah.” Aurea grinned happily, and then turned to watch, leaning on the wall sipping the water. “Well, I had no idea how to go about this, so I made it up along the way, mostly.”
“Ah, now that you’ve all quieted down.” The Announcer said looking out over the crowd as the floor lights came back on, showing the audience clearly as he adjusted his tie. “I must say, I’m not sure I want to have you even try top bid on her. I might just take this one home with me.” The crowd erupted in laughter and exclamations. “But I won’t. So, what do we have as a starting bid? Can I get 200?”
“Easily!” A tall blonde said shaking her hair out as she raised her bid card. “I raise it to 500!” She looked around, adjusting her corset as if daring anyone to challenge her.
“500 so quickly!” His eyebrows shot up as he looked around. “Anyone want to challenge that?”
“Pfft. Pocket change.” A Coralitian in a green suit said raising his own card. “1500!”
“1510!” A voice shouted from the back.
“1550!” The blonde spat back without prompting.
“1560!” The same voice called from the back.
Mariel prodded Cedric and he raised his card. “1600!” He shouted. Mar nodded in approval and waited. Realizing now that if he even wanted a chance at winning, he was going to have to be prodded into it.
“1600?” The Announcer inquired. “Anyone going to beat that?”
Dillon stared at Jay, and he raised their card. “1800.”
“Jay!” She hissed. “That’s ALL we have for this! Plus that’s two times what they got for the Coralitian.”
“I know, but the jump is going to cut out any of the small jumpers.” Jay replied rolling his eyes. “And it’s not all we have. I called in reserves as you were watching her slack jaw.”
“Ah.” Dillon nodded, blushing as she settled back into her seat nervously.
“1860.” An Orange Tabby Astute said, raising his card sluggishly.
Aurea looked at the stage hand baffled. “Why are they bidding so high? It took them ages to get that high earlier!”
“Yeah, but no one else gave them as good a show as they did. Not only that, I think they’ve changed the date plan for you.” The stage hand laughed, and patted Aurea on the shoulder. “Remember, everything raised tonight goes to charity.”
“I know. Wait…” She turned. “They changed the date plan?”
Mariel frowned and prodded Cedric. “Take it up another 100 lad.”
Cedric nodded nervously and raised the card again. “1960!”
The announcer looked around shaking his head. “1900?” He waited, and in a few seconds the blonde jumped to her feet.
“2500!” She put her hands on her hips and waited as the room rumbled.
“2800.” Jay retorted getting to his feet. Dillon cringed, and sunk into her seat hoping that Aurea couldn’t see her.
Mar prodded Cedric who nervously got to his feet. “I want you to bid 3500. NOW.” Mar whispered to him.
“3500!” Cedric shouted raising his card yet again.
“3500!” The Announcer said nodding thoughtfully.
“4000!” The Astute said looking over at Cedric a smug expression on his face.
“4010!” The Coralitian interjected.
“4510!” Jay said with a laugh, turning to wink at Dillon.
“6000!” The blonde cut in angrily, her arms crossed under her breasts, as she tapped her foot angrily.
“Hrmm...6000! Is there anyone here that wants to challenge that?”
Mar laughed and nodded at Cedric. “I think we’ve about reached a point. Take 6500!”
Cedric shouted Mars suggestion as loud as he could over the murmuring crowd. “6500!”
The Astute turned and growled at him before raising his card again. “7800!”
“Yeah. They were going to be sending you and your ‘owner’ to a carnival. Now they’re sending you on a full day excursion: museums, bars, all sorts of things.” The stage hand pulled a few curtains back so that only the black one was left. A band was setting up and needed as much room as they could get back behind the announcer.
Aurea blinked and nodded woodenly. “I didn’t realize that those things were pre-determined.”
The woman laughed again. “Didn’t use to be, not originally, but it sure makes things easier that’s for sure.”
“Oh.” Aurea bit her lip and finished off her bottle of water and peered out nervously to see who it was that had bid 7800.
Jay winced and looked at Dillon. “Well love, it’s up to you. I can take it to 8900 now… but you realize if we win… it’s going to be tight as far as anything we want to do for a while.”
Dillon nodded rigidly, looking at the bidders. “Go ahead. I don’t think I trust any of them.”
Jay nodded and turned to the stage. “8900!”
The room seemed to rumble as everyone started talking. That was the highest bid that had ever been brought up in the auction, at least at the space port it was. The Coralitian and the Astute both sat down in their seats. But the blonde, started checking over her notes, and looking at the ‘purchases’ she had made earlier that night.
“8900… is there anyone that wishes to go above 8900?” The announcer looked at the Coralitian and the Astute who both shook their heads.
“9000!” The Blonde shouted victoriously coming to a resolve.
Dillon gasped and grabbed Jays arm. “Oh no… I hope that someone…”
Jay petted Dillon soothingly. “It’s ok. I mean how bad could it be love?”
Dillon just shook her head and frowned at him. “You have no idea…”
Mar scowled and jabbed Cedric in the ribs. “Now finish her! 9500! Bid it.”
Cedric gulped. “9500.” He said quietly.
“Anyone, going to go higher than 9000?” The Announcer looked amazed as he waited as the Blonde started moving closer to the stage, checkbook in hand.
“Louder.” Mar told him jabbing him again. “He obviously didn’t hear you.”
“Anyone?” The room murmured as the Announcer started to count. “going once…”
Cedric looked at Mar, and shook his head.
“Going twice…”
Mar stamped on Cedric’s foot. He yelped and then shouted. “Oi! 9500!”
The Blonde spun around, her eyes as big as saucers. “9500?”
Mar nodded satisfied and grinned. “That’s my boy.”
“9500!” The announcer also blinked. “Anyone care to go above 9500?”
The Blonde turned crimson as she tramped back to her seat. And Cedric shivered as the announcer motioned him forward.
Mar caught his hand. “Sweetie, and just so you know, there’s still 20500 on that there card.”
Cedric blushed and went to hand it back to her. “Oh Mar!!!”
Mar stamped on his foot and refused to take it. “Get up on that stage, you can thank me later, plus I can explain it to you.” She laughed, and winked at him. “Plus I should have told you about that earlier. But this is the only bit of bidding you’ve done tonight that I’ve approved of so…” She laughed and squeezed her dates hand before stomping on Cedric’s foot again.
“9500 it is then!” The Announcer replied having gotten through the final bid procedure as they’d been talking. “Would the holder of bid card number 45 please come to the stage?”
Cedric yelped and hopped on one foot, and leaned over to kiss Mar’s cheek before going up onto the stage.
“What’s your name my boy?” The announcer queried, and laughed as Cedric turned red. “Oh come on. Its alright I don’t bite but after that performance I can’t promise that your date won’t.”
Cedric laughed, and tugged at his shirt collar with one hand. “I’m Cedric…” He paused and added hesitantly, “From the travel port.”
“Ah! That explains why I don’t know you as from around the port. You’re one of those that come and go so much it’s hard to say anything one way or the other, eh?” The audience laughed.
As Cedric stammered his replies to the other questions Dillon prodded Jay. “I don’t think that we have to worry about Aurea if that’s the winner.” She giggled as Jay grinned at her. “Though, I do wonder how they’ll get along seeing how he’s basically being prompted, and he’s still having trouble finding words to say.”
“True dear;” Jay rolled his eyes. “But we all can’t be public speakers or where would you be? Without a job that’s where. You and me both though actually.”
“Oh shush, let’s see what Aurea thinks of him.”
“9500!” Aurea blinked and started backing away, back towards the room they’d all been in before the auction had started.
“Where you going?” The stage hand asked puzzled. “You should feel special; you’ve created a new ‘landmark price’ something people are going to be talking about for a while.”
“Oh I’m just going to get my purse…”
“You don’t need it, now get back out there, they’re calling you out.” The woman laughed as she pushed Aurea gently back in the direction of the stage, gently of course. She couldn’t know what her actions may have helped to set in motion.
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Monday, July 23, 2018
Music Monday : R
I really have been falling off the horse with this alphabet challenge. I do apologize about that. But then, I don't really know if anyone has been paying attention to these or not. I do know I have been enjoying the challenge of sorting through my library to find different artists for each letter. So if nothing else that is fun.
The word of the week is RUCTION
Ruction is a disturbance or uproar.
I am unsure if anyone is going to be able to use it in their daily life this week. but if you do have a chance to I'd love to hear how you use it.
In any case have a great week and maybe you'll hear from me again soon.
The word of the week is RUCTION
Ruction is a disturbance or uproar.
I am unsure if anyone is going to be able to use it in their daily life this week. but if you do have a chance to I'd love to hear how you use it.
In any case have a great week and maybe you'll hear from me again soon.
Ray Stevens - Everything Is Beautiful
Rascall Flats - What Hurts The Most
Red Hot Chili Peppers - I Could Die For You
Reel Big Fish -Take on Me
Ryan Beatty - Hey L.A.
Friday, July 20, 2018
Off the Shelf: Monsters and Villains
Time for something a little lighter to read, though it sounds a little heavy with it's stated goal being "a guide to some of the greatest villains and monsters throughout history." (pg. 7)
Monsters and Villains of the Movies and Literature
Gerrie McCall
96 pgs
Okay, this one was not originally my pick, but a book Sang grabbed at the used bookstore some months back that he then forgot he had. I found it one night when bored and spent an entertaining hour or two reading through the pages and the facts they had, and now I'm going to share with you!
As far as organization, this book is a solid 10. The contents are exactly what the titles says it will be, and is even split up under subject headings, start with Monsters from the Movies, then Terror in the Library, which moves to Fairy Tales and Fantasy before winding up with Creatures from Myth. About every two pages, there is a new monster, leading to about 44 in all (leaving some pages for an intro and an index). Most of the monsters and villains featured will be at least passingly familiar to anyone who does a lot of reading or movie watching, such as Nosferatu, Mr. Hyde, and Medusa, but the selection also varies to ones that almost everyone has heard of, but has probably put little thought into, such as the flying monkeys from The Wizard of Oz and Rumpelstiltskin, and then to ones that people may have heard of, by may not know the name of, like Imhotep (The Mummy and many movies since) and Grendel (Beowulf). The book even features the whale, Moby Dick!
Honestly, the book is definitely not a heavy read for an adult, but is still fun. Each heading features a picture of the villain or monster, with at least four points of interest pointed out and described. The second page features a short, one-to-two paragraph summary, a map of where in the world the monster or villain will be found, and a short collection of facts. For an example, on Jason (yes, the Jason of Friday the 13th), one of the points of interest is the machete in his hand, describing it's significance (while I assume most people know, I won't spoil it for those who do not), the paragraph describes some of the various things Jason has gone through in the various movies, as well as his "creation." Of the facts, I found this one particularly interesting: "Even though Jason is a fictional character, he was awarded MTV's Lifetime Achievement Award in 1992." (pg 29)
Overall, this book is definitely a simple read, but still enjoyable. I would say fans of monsters of all ages would get some pleasure from it, though I think it's mainly marketed toward the elementary-crowd; older readers might find it better to check it out from the library for a quick read rather than dropping cash on it (though I got it for $2, and I definitely it worth that, and collectors of movie monster memorabilia might find it an interesting addition). Definitely anyone, male or female, can enjoy this, if nothing else than for the facts, like I did. Sang picked up a second, related book that I may review later, if it's as good as the first, but it just screamed more Halloween to me, so I'm holding off, for now.
Monsters and Villains of the Movies and Literature
Gerrie McCall
96 pgs
Okay, this one was not originally my pick, but a book Sang grabbed at the used bookstore some months back that he then forgot he had. I found it one night when bored and spent an entertaining hour or two reading through the pages and the facts they had, and now I'm going to share with you!
As far as organization, this book is a solid 10. The contents are exactly what the titles says it will be, and is even split up under subject headings, start with Monsters from the Movies, then Terror in the Library, which moves to Fairy Tales and Fantasy before winding up with Creatures from Myth. About every two pages, there is a new monster, leading to about 44 in all (leaving some pages for an intro and an index). Most of the monsters and villains featured will be at least passingly familiar to anyone who does a lot of reading or movie watching, such as Nosferatu, Mr. Hyde, and Medusa, but the selection also varies to ones that almost everyone has heard of, but has probably put little thought into, such as the flying monkeys from The Wizard of Oz and Rumpelstiltskin, and then to ones that people may have heard of, by may not know the name of, like Imhotep (The Mummy and many movies since) and Grendel (Beowulf). The book even features the whale, Moby Dick!
Honestly, the book is definitely not a heavy read for an adult, but is still fun. Each heading features a picture of the villain or monster, with at least four points of interest pointed out and described. The second page features a short, one-to-two paragraph summary, a map of where in the world the monster or villain will be found, and a short collection of facts. For an example, on Jason (yes, the Jason of Friday the 13th), one of the points of interest is the machete in his hand, describing it's significance (while I assume most people know, I won't spoil it for those who do not), the paragraph describes some of the various things Jason has gone through in the various movies, as well as his "creation." Of the facts, I found this one particularly interesting: "Even though Jason is a fictional character, he was awarded MTV's Lifetime Achievement Award in 1992." (pg 29)
Overall, this book is definitely a simple read, but still enjoyable. I would say fans of monsters of all ages would get some pleasure from it, though I think it's mainly marketed toward the elementary-crowd; older readers might find it better to check it out from the library for a quick read rather than dropping cash on it (though I got it for $2, and I definitely it worth that, and collectors of movie monster memorabilia might find it an interesting addition). Definitely anyone, male or female, can enjoy this, if nothing else than for the facts, like I did. Sang picked up a second, related book that I may review later, if it's as good as the first, but it just screamed more Halloween to me, so I'm holding off, for now.
Friday, July 13, 2018
Personal Update
I know I've fallen off the bandwagon of late. But I have my own reasons for that. They may not all be good, but they're not all bad either.
My brothers are engaged, and there have been various to do's concerning that. When I say brothers, I mean 3 out of 5 of them are engaged. The other two are already married. So yay, at least they're all going to have someone. It's good to know that they won't be alone forever.
This past weekend was one of the bridal showers, as well as a family reunion that I had no clue was going on. I wish I had known that it was scheduled because I would have packed extra clothes instead of having to wear a dress all day. The bridal shower went well though, and I think everyone enjoyed themselves there. At the reunion I even played volleyball, which may not sound like it's important, but it's something that a bunch of us that were playing used to do when we were in youth group together a million years ago.
I have been working on a few craft swaps, but currently I am not running the second critter craft swap, because there are still people who haven't responded to the emails and I don't really want people to be disappointed if they get matched up to someone that ends up not following through. I'm hoping to open it in August.
My health is something that is important and I've been trying to get it straightened out for what feels like a year now. It's a long process, but we have found one thing wrong that they said should be easy enough to fix. The thing they've decided on for sure is that I have a vitamin D deficiency.
This may not seem like a big deal compared to some other things, but I don't actually know how long it has been an issue. What I did learn after reading about some of the symptoms related to a D deficiency is that it could be what was helping cause the hallucinations I have been having.
What I may not have told you about yet is the fact that I've been having issues with my depth of field. This is a vision problem, that I'm not entirely sure what they can do anything about. The color problems, well that's a whole different problem, which may or may not get sorted out if they can figure out the problem concerning depth of field. I have an appointment at the eye institute in September. That's the soonest they could get me in to be seen.
The good news though, is that knowing what they know currently, I still don't have any solid answers. BUT what they do know is that I'm not going to die anytime soon(hopefully?). At least that's what I'm going with right now.
So yeah, I guess that's a good enough update for now. I do have a little more I want to talk about but I think I will save that for another day.
My brothers are engaged, and there have been various to do's concerning that. When I say brothers, I mean 3 out of 5 of them are engaged. The other two are already married. So yay, at least they're all going to have someone. It's good to know that they won't be alone forever.
This past weekend was one of the bridal showers, as well as a family reunion that I had no clue was going on. I wish I had known that it was scheduled because I would have packed extra clothes instead of having to wear a dress all day. The bridal shower went well though, and I think everyone enjoyed themselves there. At the reunion I even played volleyball, which may not sound like it's important, but it's something that a bunch of us that were playing used to do when we were in youth group together a million years ago.
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This is the label that I helped with for the shower. We also helped with cards ^_^ |
I have been working on a few craft swaps, but currently I am not running the second critter craft swap, because there are still people who haven't responded to the emails and I don't really want people to be disappointed if they get matched up to someone that ends up not following through. I'm hoping to open it in August.
My health is something that is important and I've been trying to get it straightened out for what feels like a year now. It's a long process, but we have found one thing wrong that they said should be easy enough to fix. The thing they've decided on for sure is that I have a vitamin D deficiency.
This may not seem like a big deal compared to some other things, but I don't actually know how long it has been an issue. What I did learn after reading about some of the symptoms related to a D deficiency is that it could be what was helping cause the hallucinations I have been having.
What I may not have told you about yet is the fact that I've been having issues with my depth of field. This is a vision problem, that I'm not entirely sure what they can do anything about. The color problems, well that's a whole different problem, which may or may not get sorted out if they can figure out the problem concerning depth of field. I have an appointment at the eye institute in September. That's the soonest they could get me in to be seen.
The good news though, is that knowing what they know currently, I still don't have any solid answers. BUT what they do know is that I'm not going to die anytime soon(hopefully?). At least that's what I'm going with right now.
So yeah, I guess that's a good enough update for now. I do have a little more I want to talk about but I think I will save that for another day.
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
From the Archive : Cat and Falcon, Part 5
Open minded people lose
Something within the night
When the shops all close
And spirits take flight
Aurea grumbled as she adjusted the outfit that Dillon had picked out. As much as they got along she really had to question what was really going on. She wasn’t pleased by the fact that Dillon was coming to the event with something that she called a security date. Aurea wanted to know why Dillon got a safety net and she didn’t, why did she all of a sudden have to take one for the team.
The other folk that were backstage looked almost as uncomfortable as Aurea felt. One Coralitian was chewing her tentacles nervously while an earthling boy was wringing the stitches out of his shirt sleeve. Aurea flopped with a sigh onto a futon and gasped as her outfit seemed to constrict and push the air out of her. A small Orlyian hopped up next to her, feathers ruffled as he checked his clip board.
“You’re the representative from the space ports public relations and trade department, correct?” His tone was that of someone with the attitude of I-am-better-than-you.
“Yes I am.” Aurea replied simply as she shifted trying to get comfortable.
“Ah, well you’re number 23 in the line-up. You’re last.”
“Oh.” Aurea just stared at him, mulling over this new fact. She was going last. Dillon had warned her about being last. It was the most stressful position in the date auction. Dillon had told Aurea all about how the guy who had gone last the year before had been in tears backstage when he’d found out about the music they’d chosen for him.
Luckily, Aurea has already chosen her song. It had been part of the agreement with the boss. See, Caroline had already chosen an old earth tune. Aurea didn’t mind it though. It was easy to dance to and with the quick training Dillon had given her as to how to act in the auction, Aurea felt as though she was ready for anything. Although, she had to admit she wasn’t sure that her outfit would hold up once she got started. But that was something she wasn’t ready to think about just yet.
The waiting is the hardest part
In anything you do
The broken hearts are hidden
Only letting the mask come through
Cedric shifted in his seat looking around what was now a semi crowded room. There were so many people there, and everyone had out bid him so far. Most anyone that had come to ‘bid’ had already gotten a date. There were some girls that had teamed up cooing and teasing their ‘prize’ over in the corner, but Cedric sat alone still. Hunching down in his seat he began resigning himself to the idea of leaving when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“So did you bid yet?” He heard Mar ask laughing brightly as she draped around his shoulders hugging him quickly before backing off again.
“I did but I didn’t gain anything by it other than a hoarse voice.”
“Ah. Can we join you?”
“Sure.” Cedric said turning to look at Mar and the being that he took to be her date as they sat down.
Mar was wearing a pretty cream colored gown, and her hair had been curled in a classic style. She had her hand wrapped around her dates. He was wearing a smoke grey suit, and seemed to be from the same place that she had come from. Except his skin was dark, dark green. Like her though, his hair had some grey streaked through it.
“Cedric I would like you to meet Martin, my fiancĂ©.”
“Oh!” Cedric said, his voice displaying that he was surprised as he offered his hand politely. “Pleasure to meet you, Martin. Mar, why didn’t you tell me before?”
Mar laughed and winked. “Because I don’t really talk about my personal life at work if you haven’t noticed sweetie.”
“Ah.” Cedric nodded and was about to ask another question when his train of thought was interrupted by the announcer.
“Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please. Tonight’s date auction has been both the best, as far as turnout, as well as in the amount that is going to be donated to charity. I’d like you all to give a round of applause for our 22 lovely guys and dolls that have been already auctioned off. And I would like you all to sit back and have a few drinks. We have one more lovely lady to auction off tonight, but we’re going top give everyone that’s done a chance to leave if they would like, as well as for those that have yet to ‘win’, we’d like you all to feel comfortable moving closer.” The announcer paused and tipped his sequined top hat to the crowd and everyone laughed as a rainbow shot out into the audience. “We’ll have her come out to perform in about 15 minutes, then we’ll start the bidding.”
Best friends are the ones that stick around
The ones that don’t care if you laugh or cry
But regardless which you do they will sit back
And when you’ve had you’re fill then they’ll ask why
Dillon shifted in her seat, looking at her watch. The auction was going on 3 and a half hours. She almost regretted having pawned the task off on Aurea, note that it was ALMOST. She looked to the seat next to her and smiled. Her date had his face down in his arms, and she could hear him snoring. She gave him a swift kick in the shin and he gave a start, rubbing his eyes with his paws and blinking at her.
“Stay awake now Jay. Aurea is next and if no one else bids we’re going to.” Dillon said in a matter of fact, scolding tone.
Jay blinked and saluted her comically. “Yes Ma’am. And while we’re at it can we have a threesome afterwards?”
Dillon swatted him laughing. “Most certainly not pup. Besides if we did that she’d know that I was behind it, and I hate to have her find out that I sent my boyfriend out on a date with my best friend because no one else wanted to.”
“Hey hun, I have yet to meet her. And for all I know, I might decide that I like her better than you.” Jay spoke evenly, and looked serious.
Dillon swatted him again, probably about the hundredth time that night. “You wouldn’t know what was good for you unless it kicked your ass love.”
“Ah, but I knew you were good for me, and all you had to do was knock me out cold.”
“That was an accident!!”
“Just the same.” Jay leaned over and licked her cheek. “I knew that you were perfect for me when I woke up and you were sitting there wringing your dainty little paws nervously. You seemed to think that you’d killed me!”
“Don’t you know it. I wasn’t lucky enough to have killed you.” Dillon smirked as he guffawed and couldn’t think of a smart ass remark to make. “Anyway, you know how this is going to work. I don’t want her to feel as though anything is wrong. And come on, between the two of us, we can at least bid more than they got for the Coralitian.”
“Aye love. But remember anything we spend tonight, you’re going to be making it up to me later.” Jay grinned and pulled Dillon over and kissed her before she could protest, she pushed him back laughing.
“And you know that you never even had to tell me that since I’d already told you that I’d make it up to you.” Their attention was diverted back to the stage though as the announcer came back out, and the music started to play.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I present our last lovely Lady for the evening; Aurea.”
Something within the night
When the shops all close
And spirits take flight
Aurea grumbled as she adjusted the outfit that Dillon had picked out. As much as they got along she really had to question what was really going on. She wasn’t pleased by the fact that Dillon was coming to the event with something that she called a security date. Aurea wanted to know why Dillon got a safety net and she didn’t, why did she all of a sudden have to take one for the team.
The other folk that were backstage looked almost as uncomfortable as Aurea felt. One Coralitian was chewing her tentacles nervously while an earthling boy was wringing the stitches out of his shirt sleeve. Aurea flopped with a sigh onto a futon and gasped as her outfit seemed to constrict and push the air out of her. A small Orlyian hopped up next to her, feathers ruffled as he checked his clip board.
“You’re the representative from the space ports public relations and trade department, correct?” His tone was that of someone with the attitude of I-am-better-than-you.
“Yes I am.” Aurea replied simply as she shifted trying to get comfortable.
“Ah, well you’re number 23 in the line-up. You’re last.”
“Oh.” Aurea just stared at him, mulling over this new fact. She was going last. Dillon had warned her about being last. It was the most stressful position in the date auction. Dillon had told Aurea all about how the guy who had gone last the year before had been in tears backstage when he’d found out about the music they’d chosen for him.
Luckily, Aurea has already chosen her song. It had been part of the agreement with the boss. See, Caroline had already chosen an old earth tune. Aurea didn’t mind it though. It was easy to dance to and with the quick training Dillon had given her as to how to act in the auction, Aurea felt as though she was ready for anything. Although, she had to admit she wasn’t sure that her outfit would hold up once she got started. But that was something she wasn’t ready to think about just yet.
The waiting is the hardest part
In anything you do
The broken hearts are hidden
Only letting the mask come through
Cedric shifted in his seat looking around what was now a semi crowded room. There were so many people there, and everyone had out bid him so far. Most anyone that had come to ‘bid’ had already gotten a date. There were some girls that had teamed up cooing and teasing their ‘prize’ over in the corner, but Cedric sat alone still. Hunching down in his seat he began resigning himself to the idea of leaving when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“So did you bid yet?” He heard Mar ask laughing brightly as she draped around his shoulders hugging him quickly before backing off again.
“I did but I didn’t gain anything by it other than a hoarse voice.”
“Ah. Can we join you?”
“Sure.” Cedric said turning to look at Mar and the being that he took to be her date as they sat down.
Mar was wearing a pretty cream colored gown, and her hair had been curled in a classic style. She had her hand wrapped around her dates. He was wearing a smoke grey suit, and seemed to be from the same place that she had come from. Except his skin was dark, dark green. Like her though, his hair had some grey streaked through it.
“Cedric I would like you to meet Martin, my fiancĂ©.”
“Oh!” Cedric said, his voice displaying that he was surprised as he offered his hand politely. “Pleasure to meet you, Martin. Mar, why didn’t you tell me before?”
Mar laughed and winked. “Because I don’t really talk about my personal life at work if you haven’t noticed sweetie.”
“Ah.” Cedric nodded and was about to ask another question when his train of thought was interrupted by the announcer.
“Ladies and gentlemen, your attention please. Tonight’s date auction has been both the best, as far as turnout, as well as in the amount that is going to be donated to charity. I’d like you all to give a round of applause for our 22 lovely guys and dolls that have been already auctioned off. And I would like you all to sit back and have a few drinks. We have one more lovely lady to auction off tonight, but we’re going top give everyone that’s done a chance to leave if they would like, as well as for those that have yet to ‘win’, we’d like you all to feel comfortable moving closer.” The announcer paused and tipped his sequined top hat to the crowd and everyone laughed as a rainbow shot out into the audience. “We’ll have her come out to perform in about 15 minutes, then we’ll start the bidding.”
Best friends are the ones that stick around
The ones that don’t care if you laugh or cry
But regardless which you do they will sit back
And when you’ve had you’re fill then they’ll ask why
Dillon shifted in her seat, looking at her watch. The auction was going on 3 and a half hours. She almost regretted having pawned the task off on Aurea, note that it was ALMOST. She looked to the seat next to her and smiled. Her date had his face down in his arms, and she could hear him snoring. She gave him a swift kick in the shin and he gave a start, rubbing his eyes with his paws and blinking at her.
“Stay awake now Jay. Aurea is next and if no one else bids we’re going to.” Dillon said in a matter of fact, scolding tone.
Jay blinked and saluted her comically. “Yes Ma’am. And while we’re at it can we have a threesome afterwards?”
Dillon swatted him laughing. “Most certainly not pup. Besides if we did that she’d know that I was behind it, and I hate to have her find out that I sent my boyfriend out on a date with my best friend because no one else wanted to.”
“Hey hun, I have yet to meet her. And for all I know, I might decide that I like her better than you.” Jay spoke evenly, and looked serious.
Dillon swatted him again, probably about the hundredth time that night. “You wouldn’t know what was good for you unless it kicked your ass love.”
“Ah, but I knew you were good for me, and all you had to do was knock me out cold.”
“That was an accident!!”
“Just the same.” Jay leaned over and licked her cheek. “I knew that you were perfect for me when I woke up and you were sitting there wringing your dainty little paws nervously. You seemed to think that you’d killed me!”
“Don’t you know it. I wasn’t lucky enough to have killed you.” Dillon smirked as he guffawed and couldn’t think of a smart ass remark to make. “Anyway, you know how this is going to work. I don’t want her to feel as though anything is wrong. And come on, between the two of us, we can at least bid more than they got for the Coralitian.”
“Aye love. But remember anything we spend tonight, you’re going to be making it up to me later.” Jay grinned and pulled Dillon over and kissed her before she could protest, she pushed him back laughing.
“And you know that you never even had to tell me that since I’d already told you that I’d make it up to you.” Their attention was diverted back to the stage though as the announcer came back out, and the music started to play.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I present our last lovely Lady for the evening; Aurea.”
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