Tuesday, June 23, 2020

What do you want?

I know it may seem like I've been struggling for a while. I honestly have been. Emotionally, physically, and a few other ways I've been wrung tight and all the drops have been drained until I'm dry as a bone and empty. But I'm still trying to keep going.

What do  you want to see?

Why are you here?

What do you think I should do?

Should I give in?

Do you want to see more art?

My thoughts about movies or music?

Why are you still here?

Why am I still here?

I just... I don't know why I'm doing this anymore. Let alone why I'm trying to hang on.

Give me some help here...

Emotionally I'm backed into a corner.

My creativity is almost non-existent.

But I'm honestly... scared that if I have nothing to do at all I'll be lost. 

I want to have something to do.

I need something.

But I don't know what. 

Is there anything to help this?

Is anyone out there?

Friday, June 19, 2020

Book Shelf Revisited: Treasured Tale of Far Away

We all run into different books as we go along over time. Sometimes a book is so sad that it clings to your memories. For me one example of that is the book Today's Post is about.

The Little Prince
by Antoine De Saint Exupery
111 pages

The author wrote and illustrated this book for the reader to enjoy. And the first thing you find when you open it is that is dedicated to a good friend, but not as he was at the time, as he was when he was a child.

That tells you a lot about the writer in my opinion. For a writer to care about a friend so dearly, but to acknowledge that children might find offense in his choice to dedicate it to an adult is charming.

As you read the story you find out various things, both about the Little Prince, but also about the narrator. They both have a lot to teach each other, even the one answers questions more often than the other.

As charming and sad as some parts of the tale are, there are some things young readers may not understand. Adults that indulge in the piece, after reading it in the past, may find more in it than they had in the past.

There's something sweet about a Little Prince that watches over a flower, and wants a sheep. But as in all things mortality is questioned, and there is no answer given for certain in the end, but your given the choice to decide the outcome yourself.

For sometimes the most unusual meetings are the ones that leave a lasting impression.

Originally Posted November 28, 2011 at http://thebookshelfgoblin.blogspot.com

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

It's not Monday, but Why not?

Let me be honest. Yesterday I had good intentions to start getting a schedule back on track. That kind of didn't  happen though because I went to work (late>.> long story), and came home and basically passed out. was I overtired? I don't know. But It's kind of a thing that happens sometimes. I should be used to it by now.

Anyways, I will say wearing my mask for a full work day (which isn't even that long for me) is going to take some getting accustomed to. But it is something that needs to be done in order to keep myself and other safe.

All in all I just want to say if you're having a hard week I'm sorry. I hope that it gets better. Make sure you eat some food. Drink water. Stay hydrated. Wear your mask when you go out. Be safe. Call someone if you have a chance, because people need checked on now and then especially now.

I am trying to get myself resorted and reorganized. There's just so much going on, and yet nothing going on at the same time. Most events I would usually attend during the year have already been cancelled. So I'm regrouping and trying to decide the best ways to do so. I miss everyone like crazy though.

Most important thing though : BE SAFE.

Andy Grammer : Good To Be Alive

Demi Lovato : I Love Me

Halsey : You Should Be Sad

Lola Blanc : The Magic

Orla Gartland : Did it to Myself 

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Checking In

So I have basically come to the conclusion that my lack of posting is bothering some people. But there's reasons for it, and It's not all... good or bad. The reasons are what they are. But basically the question is what to say.

Is there anything to say that hasn't been said by someone else at this point in the "game". I say game because there's not really a word I feel that really encompasses everything as a whole and the way people are reacting.

I see a lot of positive ....energy? But it won't matter if it doesn't actually change anything for the better.

But I lack the gumption or eloquence to say anything in a way to truly express what I feel. But my anxiety and depression are not being my friends currently.

But I'm here. Sort of? That's something I suppose.

In any case. Drink water. Eat something. Talk to someone.