Wednesday, May 9, 2018

From the Archives : Cat and Falcon , Part 1

Somewhere among the stars
There’s someone with empty arms
Somewhere beyond one galaxies rings
A lonely heart is broken
But even now the distance
Between the two is closing
And soon the time will come
That their minds will be supposing

The sun rose slowly tinting the sky a light shade of melon pink, and the streets were empty below it. The world was silent; at least it appeared this way through the thick pane of glass separating the apartment from the world. Curled up underneath a bunch of quilts in a basket like bed, someone snored softly, tossing and turning occasionally. Suddenly a loud buzzer went off and the apartment came to life in a blur of action. In the kitchen the coffee maker began to percolate, and the water in the bathroom began to run, so that it would be warm when the sleeper finally got out of bed.

The buzzer continued to go off, and eventual became a voice. “Aurea, if you’re late to work again today they’re going to fire you.”

A short sigh came from under the blankets and a paw-like hand came out from under the blankets, pushing back the covers. “They can’t fire me, I barely get paid and most the time I’m doing volunteer work.”

“Well that’s not their fault. Besides it’s good for you seeing how your family is doing so well in the trade here.”

“Will you turn the buzzer off now Briggiet?”

“As soon as you are entirely out of that bed miss I will not hesitate to fulfill that request.”

“Remind me again, who is the mistress of this house?”

“You are, but at your request I do these tasks. Thus, it is yourself who asks you to arise and head out.”

“Mmph…” Aurea flopped out of the basket onto the floor with a loud thump. “Happy now?”

“Not entirely, but I do suppose that that is a start. I suggest you go take your shower, and then come to the kitchen.” The buzzer stopped. “Before the eggs get crunchy.”

Aurea grudgingly got up and headed towards the bathroom, shedding her pajamas as she went stretching and shifting enjoying the feeling of the warm damp air before she got in the shower. She grabbed the pretty lilac colored and scented shampoo from the shelf and started scrubbing herself down as she hummed a few bars of a song from her home world of Sriyt.

Aurea had a little, well not just a little, a lot of trouble dealing with the transition from Sriyt to Earth. Earth was still new to intergalactic trade, and therefore she was met often by unease. Back on Sriyt that wasn’t a problem but here it was. She didn’t mind really, but one thing she’d come to having to deal with frequently was being called a cat.

As she scrubbed herself down this morning that’s what preoccupied her minds thoughts. She’d only dealt with a small number of true earthlings and had come to find it slightly insulting that most of them compared her to a domesticated beast companion. On top of that it was one that couldn’t even speak!

“Aurea, the water is going to be turned off in thirty seconds. Finish up in there.”

“Briggiet!” Aurea protested in one word, her tone frustrated. “At least two more minutes!”

“I can not allow that. You know full well, the water starts when the buzzer goes off. If you had really wanted a longer shower, you shouldn’t have stayed in bed so long.”

“That’s easy for you to say. You don’t have to sleep.”

“And you don’t have to stay up to all hours either.”

Aurea groaned as the water stopped. Luckily she had rinsed all the soap off. She exited the shower grabbing a large plush violet towel. She dried off quickly then dashed back into her room where the closet proceeded to fling itself open so she could choose an outfit.

Aurea grabbed one of her work uniforms and then went to her dresser for the rest of her cloathing, and to make sure that she looked presentable. She ran her hands over the ancient oak piece, enjoying how the wood was cool to the touch. She didn’t dwell long on that though. She got dressed, and brushed her hair, looking at her reflection as she put on her new necklace. Her family had sent it to her recently, their family crest done in platinum on a beautiful chain. She looked at her reflection, smiling at it, and noting how today’s uniform made her eyes look even more green.

“Your eggs are going to be inedible.” Briggiet said, startling Aurea out of her self appreciation. “And yes, the necklace does look lovely.”

“Thank you. I’ll be right there.” Aurea grabbed her purse and swept through the other three rooms of the apartment to the kitchen. Most the times she’d stop and appreciate the décor, but she knew Briggiet was right, she didn’t want to get fired just yet. Briggiet greeted her there with shining blue eyes and a bright smile, as always. Briggiet was always cheerful in the morning.

“Took you long enough.” Briggiet said laying a plat upon the table. “I do not think that they’ll be all that bad today.”

“You never think they’ll be that bad.” Was the reply she got as Aurea flopped herself into the seat before the plate. “Sometimes I wish you could actually taste some of what you cook.”

“I’m a machine, I’m not designed for that.”

“I know.” Aurea was quiet as she ate, looking at her watch, feeling slight pangs of dread. “Ok. Well you know what to do. Don’t forget that tonight is fresh fish night!” She got up from the table, smoothed some wrinkles out and grinned, “See ya later!”

“Very good. Your English has improved greatly lately. Now get to work, and I’ll see you at the end of the day.”

“K.K. Catch ya later Briggiet” Aurea rushed out the door, headed for work thoughts tangled up somewhere between frustration and satisfaction.

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