Saturday, May 18, 2013

Studies : Child Nutrition and Cooking

So today is Saturday. This week was the second week of the online course I'm participating in on cooking and child nutrition. I know that there is a lot of different ideas about how to cook for kids, and what they will enjoy. The idea of this specific course is to bring families back to the table together. As well as open peoples eyes to what they're eating.

Why is this something that I'm interested in? Well for one thing what you feed a kid isn't really any different than what you'll feed yourself. You want your food to look good, taste good, and be good for you as well. This course intends to help us learn how to prepare a meal that is nutritious as well as balanced.

The course has gone over a few different topics so far. The teacher posts videos and explains how different things can be used to improve taste as well as create a healthier meal. She advises that it's better to use some butter rather than use an excessive amount of margarine. Another thing that was interesting to learn was how fresh garlic and onion can be used in small amounts to add a nice flavor to the food.

Some of the topics this course has gone over include: Egg, Six Ingredients, Vegetable Stir fry, Smoothie, Balanced Meal, Oatmeal, Pasta, and Almond Cake. How is the material presented? It's presented in a series of short videos in this course. What kind of work do you need to do for this course? You take small quizzes, and you are asked to complete one meal during the week following some specifications from class. (I made a salad and french toast to meet these so far.) So it isn't really all that difficult.

There are a number of free courses to be taken in Coursera I definitely recommend having a look. It doesn't hurt to see what is available. Educating yourself, whether for college credit or not is still good. Many of the free online courses offer a certificate stating that you completed it. So give it a look, maybe you will learn something new.

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