Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Comics and Inspiration

Sometimes there is a comic that really speaks to us. Whether it's humorous, serious, simple or complex doesn't matter. The effectiveness of a comic is what it portrays and whether it offers a believable story to follow. We often think of those pages that came in the Sunday papers when we were kids when we hear the word comic, or of those small booklets of printed art we could pick up telling us stories in pictures.

But now comics can be found almost anywhere. But I want to share a couple I've read recently that I enjoyed, and that also said something that I can understand. Both the comics I'm sharing with you today are about the idea of following your dream, about aspiring for more. They look at how people change what they are in order to make ends meet, instead of being happy. So read them, and hopefully they will make you smile and think about some of the dreams you had, and still have time to pursue.

In Defense of Weird from Virus Comix website (lists as Subnormality)
But every time we look through things like comics, each time we find something that has some sort of meaning to us, we often let it go. These small reminders...inspire us to want more, but frequently we are afraid to go ahead and strive to reach it. So this week, think about your dreams and what you'd like to see happen someday. There are a lot of things we can do, if we only try to do them. And we should read comics, look at art, and appreciate the talents of the people that surround us.

Zen Pencils does amazing comics like the one above, many based on inspirational quotes.
We should hold onto comics and art like these, let them remind us, that sometimes we are allowed to believe in ourselves. We're allowed to dream and hope for more in this world. Artists have often tried to help us remember this. Let them i spire us to pursue our dreams. After all, Rome was not built in a day. There are many experiences that we will have before we find the right spot. But remember, you won't find the right spot if you do not try to look.

Don't be afraid to try, if you never try, how do you know it can't be done?

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