Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Artist Spotlight : Seph Jocuno

 When it comes to art there's all kinds of things to see and explore.  And with this being the new year and all (finally!) It's time to look at some fresh new faces, and expand our horizons. Which means we're going to explore art work and get excited about the unique pieces each artist offers.

Today we're going to be looking at art done by Joseph Norwood, who offers his work to the world through Seph Junco. You can find more of his work on instagram here at @sephjocuno3 or on his tumbler page The Art of Seph. The image to the left here is a self portrait of the artist. Cute isn't it? And he's a real sweetheart when it comes to contacting and discussing his work and other possibilities.

Below you're going to find a variety of pieces completed from the artist that you can find either on the instagram page or the tumbler account. He's also got some amazing hand painted shirts. If you're interested in contacting him for a commissioned character or other piece, am sure he'd love to hear from you at He's willing to help with logos, graphic design, portraits and illustrations. Pretty well rounded right?

Anyway! Let's start looking at some of Seph Jocuno's art! I picked 4 pieces, and to be honest it was difficult to narrow it down. But i'm pleased with the images contained in each piece, the colors are vibrant. The images are fun, and not to mention fresh. I'm a sucker for rounded edges, and these are wonderful for that. Especially after all that political stuff that flooded 2016.

The first picture is a knockout! Let's be honest here. There's not really a ton of curvy girls out there easily found. At least, not always drawn as appealing characters. The example to the right is appealing for a number of reasons.

One being her legs and hair. I love how rounded her legs are, and they're not dramatically elongated like you can see in a number of toon style art. The shading is also fun giving the illusion, in my opinion, that she's possibly floating on water. Her hair though! I LOVE her hair and facial expression. It's not something I see often, and as someone with a lot of hair when I let it loose, this appeals to me.

The image to the left intrigues me because of all the detail in the dragon instead of in the person who is possibly going to attempt to slay the dragon. I like the way it's balanced also.

I was a little surprised when I realized that it is a PNG so it has a clear background, leaving the figures almost like stickers here in the blog space. Definitely a unique idea.

It even seems to illustrate the answer Seph provided when asked what inspires his artwork. His response was :
Well the most inspiring thing to me as an artist is the ability to create something from almost nothing. I have the free will to make totally new worlds, people, creatures, and scenarios that I can just get taken away by.

Lola is freaking amazing! Seph also has a dragon type character named Moe that's available for viewing on tumbler, but I was advised she might be a bit lacking in clothing for me to keep my family/worksafe rating.

Lola is a type of furry in my eyes, and she made me smile because she's not done up having HUGE assets, which with bovine characters I've frequently seen.

To further endear her to you, I'm going to quote directly from the artists tumbler page :
Lolajane Belle is a very mild mannered girl-cow. She loves to have nice chats on the porch and make new friends. She has a spot on her chest that is shaped like a heart that she unconsciously rubs whenever she gets nervous.

Seph Jocuno is also working on a graphic novel that he's titled Unloved. If you're interested in taking a peek at some of the pages that he's currently has the first 4 pages available for viewing, they're available on his tumbler page. This is the first page of it: Page 0. It's intriguing and hopefully he'll continue the story.

Well I suppose that's all for now. Remember to check out more art by Seph Junco on instagram(@sephjocuno3) or tumbler(The Art of Seph), and also feel free to contact them about custom work. (Seriously! I love his anthropomorphics!) 

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